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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Quote of the Day- The Hunger Games


Quote of the Day: " 'You are not leaving me here alone,' I say. Because if he dies, I'll never really go home, not really. I'll spend the rest of my life in this arena trying to think my way out." 

This quote is from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I like this book, and I think this dystopian world is really fascinating, and the whole idea of the hunger games, making children kill each other is a jarring and disgusting thought. The story, told by a contestant in the games, Katniss Everdeen, is a scary, emotional journey that has you reeling at every turn.  This quote is near the end of the book, and Katniss is saying this to Peeta, the other District Eleven contestant. She makes the crowd believe that she loves him, but the question that the audience is always asking is 'Is she really in love with him? Is she just making up all of these excuses and reasons for the pretend love to cover up the truth?' I personally was asking these questions and practically begging her to give it up and admit to loving Peeta. Peeta is an awesome individual, he sort of reminds me of Ian from The Host by Stephenie Meyer, because they are both kind, handsome individuals who fall in love with the heroine. Peeta will stand by Katniss in everything and will do anything to make sure that she is safe.
I love Peeta, and think he is just what Katniss needs. However, some people do disagree with me and think that Katniss should end up with Gale, who is her best friend. Before Katniss was selected to be in the Hunger Games,  Gale and Katniss would go out every day after school and go hunting for different things, they enjoyed their time together. Gale noted that the only time Katniss ever smiles is when they are in the woods.

I give this book a four star because I think the story is definitely unique, and the reader becomes very emotionally attacked to the characters which shows good character development. My favorite part is when Katniss realizes that she doesn't want to be with out the boy with the bread. (If you want to understand - read the book!)

Miss Reader

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